The Deep is an Australian/Canadian co-produced animated television series based on the comic book created by Tom Taylor and James Brouwer and published by Gestalt Comics. The series was optioned by Technicolor and produced by A Stark Production and the Canadian animation studio Nerd Corps Entertainment, a subsidiary of DHX Media. Commissed by ABC, it premiered on 7TWO on December 1, 2015 and began broadcasting in Canada the following month on Family Chrgd. Netflix acquired the U.S. SVOD rights to The Deep, and it began streaming in America on June 1, 2016 It also aired on Ici Radio-Canada Télé in Canada, and Universal Kids in the US.
It is set to be broadcast on CBBC (UK), RTS Deux (Switzerland), La Trois (Belgium), Ketnet (Belgium), NRK (Norway), SVT (Sweden) and YLE (Finland), Okto (Singapore) and Super RTL (Germany).
Video The Deep (2015 TV series)
The series follows the Nekton family, a family of daring underwater explorers who live aboard a state-of-the-art submarine, The Aronnax, and explore uncharted areas of the earth's oceans to unravel the mysteries of the deep.
Maps The Deep (2015 TV series)
The Nekton family
- Antaeus (Ant) Nekton (voiced by Vincent Tong)
- Fontaine Nekton (voiced by Ashleigh Ball)
- Will Nekton (voiced by Michael Dobson): Antaeus and Fontaine's father.
- Kaiko Nekton (voiced by Kathleen Barr): Antaeus and Fontaine's mother.
- Jeffrey is the Nekton's pet fish.
- Professor Fiction (voiced by James Higuchi): the Nekton's scientific adviser.
- Agnes De-Kretser (voiced by Saffron Henderson): an archeologist friend of the Nektons.
- Bob Gorman (voiced by Michael Kopsa): a close friend of the Nektons.
- Jess Gorman (voiced by Shannon Chan-Kent): the daughter of Bob Gorman, Fontaine's best friend, and the girl Ant has a crush on.
- Lester (voiced by Ian James Corlett): a mechanic who works for Professor Fiction.
- Griffin (voiced by Cole Howard): the son of Lester, and a friend of Ant's.
- Commander Pyrosome (voiced by Nicole Oliver): leader of the World Oceans authority.
- Kenji (voiced by Lee Tockar): a Japanese man who lives alone on an island.
The Guardians:
- Nereus (voiced by Lee Tockar): an eccentric man who gives the Nektons vague advice on their search for Lemuria.
- Glaucus (voiced by Vincent Tong): another member of The Guardians.
- Tethys (voiced by Kathleen Barr): another member of The Guardians.
The Dark Orca
- Captain Hammerhead (voiced by Michael Dobson): Captain of the Dark Orca pirate crew. He is the Father of Smiling Finn and Mad Madeline.
- Smiling Finn (voiced by Samuel Vincent): Son of Captain Hammerhead and reluctant teen pirate. He has a crush on Fontaine.
- Mad Madeline (voiced by Kazumi Evans): Daughter of Captain Hammerhead and her father's pride and joy. She loves everything related to being a pirate and hates everything related to Ant and Jeffrey, making her Ant's rival.
- Danny Boy (voiced by Brian Drummond): First Mate of the Dark Orca pirate crew. He's terrified of Captain Hammerhead
- Proteus (voiced by Brian Drummond): a former member of The Guardians.
- Captain Marco is an ally to Proteus. He owns an icebreaker ship called Macintosh.
- Captain Hernandez betrayed the world oceans authority and stole a piece of the efemycron for Sebastian Conger.
- Sebastian Conger tries to capture the efemycron with the help of Captain Hernandez. He also stole the last example of a giant tortoise and valuable artworks from a shipwreck.
- Alpheus Benthos (voiced by Andrew Francis) who says Ant is destined to be his nemesis, he lives on a sub he built with an artificial intelligence.
- Devil Daniels (voiced by Trevor Devall): an internet-famous sea explorer that likes to antagonize the Nektons and get in the way of important missions. Daniel often hurts creatures to make them appear aggressive and will do anything to receive fame.
- Chadwick (voiced by Scott McNeil): a ship captain who wants to steal from the Nektons.
- Hickman (voiced by Cathy Weseluck): a weapons smuggler.
External links
- The Deep on IMDb
- The Deep graphic novels published by Gestalt Comics
- The Deep Official Website
Source of the article : Wikipedia