Strange Adventures is a comic book retail chain consisting of one store in Fredericton, New Brunswick (opened 1992), Halifax, Nova Scotia (opened 1994), and Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Both are owned by Calum Johnston, and were named after a comics series published by DC from 1950 through 1973. The stores are generally considered to be the overall best in the Maritimes, and among the best in Canada.
Video Strange Adventures (comics retailer)
Awards and Mentions
- 2006: Strange Adventures was presented with the Harry Kremer Award for Outstanding Canadian Comic Book Retailer, as part of the Joe Shuster Awards in Toronto.
- 2005: Strange Adventures employee Mike Drake was chosen as "Halifax's Best Salesperson" by local weekly paper The Coast.
- 2001: The store received a Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award, as part of the Eisner Awards.
- 1996: Strange Adventures was named "the world's greatest comic store" by Previews Magazine, and appeared in two Superman comics, Adventures of Superman #547 and Superman: The Man of Steel #74.
Strange Adventures (Halifax location) has also been awarded "Best Comic Book Retailer" by The Coast for eight years in a row.
Maps Strange Adventures (comics retailer)
External links
- Strange Adventures on the web
Source of the article : Wikipedia